Friday, October 23, 2009

Cermony site catastrophe!

So remember those beautiful Save the Dates I just posted?  Yeah, well, we can't officially order them until NOVEMBER 10th.  Now, I know that puts us within the 6 month mark, which is fine, but it is a bit annoying that we will not have an official date until then.  I've just been operating like we have secured our date, but in reality we have not.
Why?  Our ceremony space.  Here is the beautiful space that is giving us SO MUCH trouble:

Here is the inside, which is equally beautiful and unique:

This beautiful building was built in 1863 and is the fourth oldest surviving synagogue in the country.  It now does not have any religious affilitation, and is owned by the City of Madison Parks Division.  It is really open and airy in the inside, and it seats around 90 people.  Did I mention it is right on the lake? 

The problem is that the City of Madison Parks usually takes reservations for the following year on Oct. 1st. for all of their popular park sites. This was a bit risky for us, but we decided it was worth it.  Our reception spot will work with us if we need to change the date, so I wasn't too worried.  And really if you get there super early on October 1st (and I was bribing one of my best friends with fistfuls of cash to do this for me) you pretty much get your date.

But today is October 23rd, and we still do not have our space reserved.  The City of Madison Parks decided to change their policy, oh, about two days before October 1st.  This year they are going to do a lottery system on November 10th.  Doesn't matter what time you get there, they will be drawing numbers.  

So now we have a back up park location, because it is a little too late to change our date now.  Worst case scenario, two people before us pick both our first choice on our date and our back-up location on our date.  Then we will have to move our wedding to the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend.  Which we will work with.
I know that much worse things can happen, but this has been incredibly frustrating!  Anyone else having crazy things happen with their vendors?

1 comment:

  1. November 10th has come and gone. Did you get your location?


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